Breeding Bird Survey
Bauer Property
Breeding Bird Survey
June 3, 2019
Description of Habitat at Point Count Locations
Point 1 This point was located 10-meters south of the apple tree in the center of the eastern prairie south of the road. The circle is centered in a prairie remnant with a highly restored oak savanna dominated by oaks to the east and a white pine plantation to the west.
Point 2 This point was located at the edge of the hill crest savanna trees with a prairie to the north, savanna to the west and white pines to the east. Habitat is native prairie, oak savanna and a sliver of planted white pines on the far east side.
Point 3 The point was located at the bench where the two trails meet. Habitat is restored oak savanna dominated by oaks and hickories and a patch of native prairie in the middle.
Point 4 is on the west end of the oak savanna on the north side of the road where the trail at the base of the savanna meets the trail going upslope. Habitat is restored oak savanna dominated by oaks, a stream corridor and walnuts.
Point 5 The point was located at the center of a ravine going upslope from the trail. Habitat is oak woodland with canopy oaks, a stream corridor and planted white pines.
Point 6 is located on the picnic table in the center of the pine knob in the center of the big prairie. Habitat is prairie, which was burned this spring and a small knob with five planted pines.
Management has created an outstanding oak savanna/prairie in the focal areas. Botanically speaking, the management has developed a strong oak savanna/prairie ecotone natural community, but from a bird habitat standpoint the mix of plantation pines and walnuts lends the site to occupation by quite common bird species.
Breeding Bird Survey
June 3, 2019
Description of Habitat at Point Count Locations
Point 1 This point was located 10-meters south of the apple tree in the center of the eastern prairie south of the road. The circle is centered in a prairie remnant with a highly restored oak savanna dominated by oaks to the east and a white pine plantation to the west.
Point 2 This point was located at the edge of the hill crest savanna trees with a prairie to the north, savanna to the west and white pines to the east. Habitat is native prairie, oak savanna and a sliver of planted white pines on the far east side.
Point 3 The point was located at the bench where the two trails meet. Habitat is restored oak savanna dominated by oaks and hickories and a patch of native prairie in the middle.
Point 4 is on the west end of the oak savanna on the north side of the road where the trail at the base of the savanna meets the trail going upslope. Habitat is restored oak savanna dominated by oaks, a stream corridor and walnuts.
Point 5 The point was located at the center of a ravine going upslope from the trail. Habitat is oak woodland with canopy oaks, a stream corridor and planted white pines.
Point 6 is located on the picnic table in the center of the pine knob in the center of the big prairie. Habitat is prairie, which was burned this spring and a small knob with five planted pines.
Management has created an outstanding oak savanna/prairie in the focal areas. Botanically speaking, the management has developed a strong oak savanna/prairie ecotone natural community, but from a bird habitat standpoint the mix of plantation pines and walnuts lends the site to occupation by quite common bird species.