Invitation to Tour the Propery 2011

July 24, 2011 (Sunday evening) Rare Earth Farm - Bauer-Beckwith Property Green County, WI
Come hike comfortable mowed trails on our managed 82 rolling acres, offering dry upland prairie remnants, oak savanna openings, brush-free oak woodlands, a showy 18-acre planted prairie of great richness, along with moist, low areas newly seeded, and more. Pay your respects to at risk species such as American gromwell, giant yellow hyssop, prairie turnip, plains muhly grass, and others. Discover how restoration efforts can peacefully co-exist with Managed Forest Land areas, and see what only ten years of steady restoration, regular seed collection and dispersal, coupled with relentless invasive species control, and prescribed fire, can accomplish. RSVP
Time: 5 - 7pm
Trip Leaders: Chuck Bauer (608-251-4051, 608-233-3839, 608-523-4987); Mike Anderson (608-277-0774)
and Tom Mitchell (608-214-8690).
Directions: Meet at N 9075 York Center Road about 8 miles west of New Glarus. Take Hwy 39 west from New Glarus to York Center Road (one mile beyond radio tower & County J). Turn left/south on York Center Road and go 1 mile to the second farm on the right. Turn into the driveway and park immediately on the left and mowed area, or at bottom of driveway. Meet near big red barn. All paths are mowed and trails are easy. Refreshments served.